Thursday, May 19, 2016

don't sit too close

We started out laughing about how far we were sitting from Ron. Just like most people do in church - head for the back pews. More people arrived and we had a couple on the phone. This was a fun meeting.

The opening prayer contained a wonderful statement asking God to bring thoughts of Him to the front and discard the thoughts that aren't of Him.

We are still in Chapter two of Philippians. We started with verse 12 as a review for a couple of people who had joined us. Ron mentioned Acts 20 about how Paul made an example of himself. He did not complain about being in jail and in chains. He shined (and sang) with his love for God.

Ron asked for examples of how this works in our workplace.

1 Cor 15:58 Stand firm. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord. The work is not in vain. The Lord can see the big picture. (You might just see the trunk of a tree but the Lord can see the entire forest - He sees what that was meant for.)

Col 3:12: As God's chosen people, dearly loved . . . bear with each other as the Lord forgives you . . . be thankful.

Friday, May 13, 2016


I am so sorry that I haven’t been updating our blog with what we’ve done in Bible Study. Our meetings are wonderful, full of information and sharing. I love how we come together to learn about Jesus. 

Some of the quick notes I jotted down from last Thursday:

Bible Study
May 12, 2016

Do you have to be a doormat? See Daniel 1
Daniel made a respectful appeal. He went up the ladder as he should. He prayed. (When he felt that he couldn’t eat the food from the King’s table.)

Phillipians 2:12 working out your salvation (isn’t what I thought it was. I love how we look at so many angles.)

Do everything without grumbling and complaining . . .


Obey first: Understand Later - eastern philosophy as opposed to western?

We are ambassadors of Christ. Have you noticed how others will immediately be angry with you? Could this be a cover for their fear? (We were talking about the story in the Bible where the pigs went into the sea. The people asked Jesus to leave.) Non-Christians see anger and condemnation where we see freedom and eternal life . . . why is that?

We had questions about the unforgivable sin: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Ron said that he would research further and get back with us this coming week.

Here are a few articles he discovered:

I completely understand how you would be aggravated with my note taking. It is hard to remember to take notes when you are so engrossed in the discussion. J

 Come join us! Thursday's at 11:30 - 12:30