Friday, February 22, 2013

a prayer

Borrowed from DisciplesNet Church

Prayer for Extending (the nets in Jesus' Name)
February 22, 2013

 "...Compel them to come in,
that my house may be filled."
What do we have, that would compel them, Lord?
... Help us to remember that (thankfully)
it isn't about us.
It's about who you are
and how much you love all of them.
Help us to see them through your eyes,
hear them with your ears,
and love them with your heart.
In the name of Jesus, who draws us all in,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

church was great - lets not talk about it

I just came across a great article - at least for me. As soon as church is over, I head out the door and back to my house, hoping no one will speak to me. How wrong is that?!?

Here's the link to the article:

Here's the opening statement of the article:

"We've just heard the Word read and proclaimed, sung the praises of our great God, and petitioned him for mercy in our time of need. And then we spend our time afterward talking about last night's movie, the game, the hobby, the state of the nation, or whatever. Anything but the great truths of the gospel we've just heard and by which we're saved. Why do we do this?"

February 19, 2013

We began with a prayer from Carol, and then we began our bible study. We continued Spiritual Gifts by opening our Directions study guide to page 154.

1 Corinthians 12:17 began our lesson. 

If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

The study guide asked an excellent question: Did the various parts of your body decide what they wanted to be, or did God make them and place them according to his design?

We closed with a prayer from Anthony after prayer requests were made by one person, for her friend Joe, her uncle, and for herself as she is recovering from a car accident and has to travel again. A prayer request from another person for his sister whose husband has left the marriage and his family. Please remember these people, and all the other prayer requests, as you go to our God in prayer.

Monday, February 11, 2013

His love never quits

~from Ann Voskamp Facebook post on 2/11/13

Over the weekend I came across this post: Ideas for 40 Days of Fasting: 40 Day Journey

The article starts like this,

"Throughout biblical history we see 40 days of testing, waiting and drawing closer to God. Ash Wednesday and Lent typically mark a spiritual quest for Christians, though it’s often recognized as a Catholic tradition. It’s a time of prayer, service, sacrifice and self-examination.  Look beyond the face of religion and into the heart …and see if God is calling you for the next 40 days. Does He want your attention and your heart focused on Him?"