Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Some of you may not have heard about why the team went undercover to discover what they could about Planned Parenthood. Here's an article that explains what led them to this decision:


There are many organizations that will help if you find that you are pregnant. Birthright.org is one that will listen, and talk with you, and will help you find organizations that will help you. You aren't alone. https://vimeo.com/67750691

If you have had an abortion in the past there are organizations that exist to help you heal: http://rachelsvineyard.org is one that pops into my mind right away.

John 14:16,27 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter . . .

As for the rest of us we can't stay silent about the slaughter of children. Call your representatives, share on social media . . . DO SOMETHING!
