Friday, March 28, 2014


The image is kind of blurry so I'll type it again.

"God wants you to view the other Christians in your life as partners in ministry."

Monday, March 17, 2014

a co-workers brother is in need

Please take the time to vote to help a family meet a need!
Thank you

Local Heroes all across the United States and Canada have been sharing their stories about how they or someone they know have overcome the challenges of living with a disability. Encourage your family, friends, and co-workers to vote for the Local Hero you think is most deserving to win a custom Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle.

Please note that you are allowed one vote per email address a day.


AN UPDATE: Voting has ended. Ron did not win the contest; however, a living angel has stepped in and donated a fully equipped van. She wanted to remain anonymous but we do know her first name - Becky.

God is good!

Monday, March 10, 2014

no greater help and care

There comes a time when we just need each other to pray. The real truth is that time is every day. Though it may not be you that is going through right now, but one of your sisters or brothers in Christ may be in the mist of a storm. We don’t need to know who is going through or what the they are dealing with to pray, because God knows and sees all. We ought to be compassionate and selfless enough to just pray for one another. So at this time I want you all to know that you are all in my prayers. Just in case you are new to praying or just need some enlightenment, this is my prayer;
“Dear heavenly father, the Lord of my life, my strength and confidant, I thank you once again for another day. Above all things I honor you and thank you for your infinite wisdom, grace and your mercy. I pray that I never take you for granted, please keep your spirit near me so that if I fall I can hear your wonderful voice telling me to get back up again.

On this day I pray for my loved ones both near and far.

Please give us patience like David’s, so when we are pursued by men we can be humble and know that you will fight our battle.

Endow us with wisdom like that of king Solomon’s, so that when we speak in times of displeasure you are honored by our words.

Dear lord I pray that you wash us with your spirit so that our hearts can be pure like Jesus.

I pray that your word never leaves our hearts while praises are forever uttered from our lips.

Dear Lord I know that we are only men and can be tempted but you have promised us that you would never put more on us than we could bare.

In conclusion of this prayer I ask that you SPEAK into the lives of your people. For I know that when you speak things change.

Thank you again for being such a wonderful father to me. In the name of my redeemer Jesus Christ I submit this prayer, Amen..!”