Thursday, February 25, 2016

what God esteems man does not

I forgot to take a picture of us. I wanted to show people how we are a varied mix of people who gather to hear the good news of Christ. Hopefully next week we will get a picture.

 We finished chapter 16 of Acts today. Ron calls this chapter the groundwork for our study in Philippians. There were so many other interesting conversations about verses 34 - 40 that I forgot to write down my notes so I could recall it here for you.

We had two people call in from other offices. We had three 'new' people join us.

Prayer requests:

K: Clair during surgery
K: Debbie for pain
A: Deb for conviction
K: Andrew comfort for loss of grandmother
A: comfort for his mother and family
C: Bob M cancer has returned
C: Kelly & Anne healing and strength

 Ron opened our study with a wonderful prayer that spoke of how Jesus was with us and he recalled the scripture where we are told that when two or more are gathered in His name.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

we are BACK

It seems like it has been forever since our study group met. Thanks to Ron Wheeler we are gathering together again to study the word of God.

Here are some of my notes:

We will be going through the book of Philippians. So he had us open our Bible up to Acts. :)

We will be going through Philippians verse by verse. He will show us context, cross references, ask questions and we'll see how this applies to our lives.

Ron pointed us to a couple of websites:

2 Timothy 3:16

The word of God is:
1. a plumb line for our life.
2. reproof
3. correction
4. training and righteousness
Prayer requests:

Q's Mom home
V's sister is depressed, lost her job, please pray for her
V's friend in a car wreck and he needs healing
D's asked us to pray for Godly leadership in our homes, our business and our country
D's asked for prayers for health
K's family has someone whose kidney's have shut down. They asked for prayers for healing and strength. 

We hope to see you here next week.